WIN.xp-home/SP2 -I.E. NISS 2009 -version
#1: HAVE BEEN GETTING ERROR POPUPs ''Symantec Service Framework'' problem; Started today;
#2. (if related?) have a disappearing icon - this started today !!! sometimes it returns if i wait - other times not - I selected ''always show'' in my Tastbar properties/Customize area but when it's gone from the task bar itself (lower right next to clock) and i recheck the 'current items'' area - it is moved from ''current items to ''past items' !! i did click ''apply' when i changed it to 'always show'. to no avail.
since i cannot access the program controls without the icon (first choice - ''open'') i can't operate the program i.e. do a scan, etc.
there is a desk top icon - it's totally 'dead' !!!
went to start/programs Norton to see if i could launch from there -tried live update - dead- tried the name of the program -nothing .. checked properties and it shows current above version with ''exe'' ..
did a task-manager check and under ''applications' there was nothing running for Norton (if it 'should' be showing there )
SO i dont' know if i have protection !!
Of course of i do a restart it all returns ... many thanks !
[edit: renamed subject for clarity]