SYMEFA.SYS Blue Screen Crash on XP

Hi ya'll newcomer here,


My computer is having some sort of blue screen crashing error that I've never had before up until about 10 pm last night, and now anytime I run a virus scan or do anything it crashes within 15 minutes of bootup. The file name that is gives me as the source problem is "SYMEFA.SYS" and the additonal info it tells me is 

"STOP: 0x00000050 (0xE7048000, 0x00000001, 0xB9EB1225, 0x00000001)

SYMEFA.SYS - Address B9EB1225 base at B9E8A000 datestamp 4a414e30"


Ive searched on google for some stuff to fix it, and it brought me to a thread on here and I followed directions at a link to Microsft Support that someone posted in the thread, but nothing seemed relevant. It made me to go the drivers folder and search for an 8 lower case letter *.sys file, but none were there with that file extension as listed. I found the SYMEFA file in the Symantec drivers folder, but i dont think thats what Micosoft was referring to. Another solution it has was to start up the computer in Safe Mode w/ command promt and ultimatley type in "Dir / ah" after you find the drivers and it should have given me an 8 lower case letter *.sys file, but instead gave me two Microsoft Word things : " Msft_Kernel_01005_Coinstaller_Critical.wdf" and "Msft_Kernel_LMouFilt_01005.wdf" . Niehter of which i believe have anything to do with this as SYMEFA.SYS is a Norton error if i understand correctly.


Can anyone tell me what could be wrong? I've run Norton on this computer for years, and never have had any viruses, trojans, worms, hackers, or eve spyware on this computer so I doubt any is on here now.Im stumped on what to do.