System Restore point error -2147212529 when running Resistry Cleanup?

I have been running Norton 360 for a couple weeks now and just got the following error when running Registry Cleanup???


Unable to take the required System Restore point error -2147212529


I have run Live Update and have the latest updates. I back my files up to an external disk with no problems.


Windows Vista Home Premium

Version 6.0 Build 6002  Service Pack 2

System Type x64-based PC 



Product Name: Norton 360

  • Version:
  • Please post a screenshot of this error. In meantime, try the solution from the following Symantec KB:

    If you have any other Security products other than Norton 360, please disable it and then try to run the registry cleanup.

    Let us know the results.


    Thanks for the help Yogesh. I solved the problem by turning System Restore Off and then back On again.


    System Restore and Registry Cleanup or now working.