I have Internet Norton Security 5 for Mac (version 12.5)
When running a System Scan, (opposed to a Quick Scan which works fine), Norton stalls and then crashes.
The stalling happens in the manner of failing to show the progress of files that have been scanned - with the excemption of clicking on the program which then updates the amount of files scanned (for example it would sit on say 10,000 of 1,000,000 indefinitely until I click on the program window then it would update the progress to say 20,000 of 1,000,000 or so).
A crash happens around 3/4 into the System Scan with the screen freezing, allowing only the mouse to be moved about - without being able to click on any App, nor to be able to shut down properly. I then have to force shut down by holding down the on & off button until the computer can be shut down and restarted.
I have tried the System Scan without "compressed files", with the same result. I also tried reinstalling Internet Security with the same failed result.
Note: I recently upgraded my Operating System to Apple OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 (prior to reinstallation of Norton); and on a partition of my hard drive I had Windows 7 where I downloaded and used Norton Power Eraser (See: https://support.norton.com/sp/en/au/home/current/solutions/kb20100811171941EN_EndUserProfile_en_us) I have deleted the partition now.
Any ideas for a solution?