Task notifications question with V

What is the "expected operation" of the task notifications for the new release when enabled?


One of the house computers has updated  to NIS V- it is a lap-top (normally run on house power) Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit.


After the update I noticed the notifications for the completion of an idle scan no longer appear when pulling the computer out of an idle state. I would look for the notification after startup to see the first "quick scan" had run.


I have verified the settings have remained the same as before, Task Notifications are "on" (I toggled this to see if that would made any difference)


I remember in 2011 (I think) the idle quick scans were not reported, I just want to know if this has changed. I have been following the activity for people that are seeing too many notifications and not being able to turn them off. I am neutral on "if" they should be there, just want to know if they should be coming up or not. 


Otherwise the new software is working great on that machine


Thank you -- Bill