Tension rising over instagamepoints.com AND instant-points.net over on Safe Web



For the past two [2] weeks or so, I’ve been monitoring a potential powder keg between pro and anti “instant points” forces.  Specifically, concerning instant-points.net, there were many more so-called “reviews” rating it 5 out of 5 all created within a span of thirteen [13] hours by people who had reviewed nothing else (when I initially witnessed this).  I recollected to myself, “No way that many positive reviews in such a short span of time….”  Currently, the rating looks split, Norton Safe Web Moderators probably removing clone accounts.  Language is escalating, please see: http://safeweb.norton.com/reviews/206487.  What I find suspicious is that the Website Homepages for both instagamepoints.com and instant-points.net are virtually identical.  In the grand scheme of things, this might be much ado about nothing, however, the purpose of this post is to raise awareness that this cauldron might boil over at any moment and to continue monitoring those who post reviews concerning these two sites - - that discourse should remain civil as minors can be present on Safe Web.  Might I add that two of the “recent helpful reviews” on Safe Web’s Community Buzz Homepage are for instant-points.net, catapulted right to the fore, coincidentally, one being the review with the escalated language (in my opinion) that I provided the URL for a moment ago.     


Thank you for your kind attention to this matter. 



