Hello bjm_ and phoneman
I was having a problem with the IMCE and getting it to work. I was missing the buttons to upload and the other 2 buttons. I had a list of pictures and thought that was all I was supposed to have. I was given all sorts of suggestions. I then Googled to see if I could find something that would be helpful. I also got my son to use my husband's laptop and I could see everything with that. When I searched Google, I came across the thread where bjm_ was complaining and thought that the picture function was disabled for him for some unknown reason. There were more posts going on. Then there was a discussion between bjm_ and phoneman. Phoneman suggested that he should play around with the zoom numbers and see if that helped. I also was trying to find all the things that were different between a laptop and my desktop, well, actually my monitor. My monitor is definitely larger than a laptop screen. Not only that, but I have a resolution of 768x1024 which I guess makes things larger also. I turned my zoom down to 75%. Low and behold, I could now see the missing buttons, but I also saw the animated gifs I had in my file list. They weren't being blocked and they really weren't missing. My monitor just cut off a hunk of the left side of the IMCE which is why I couldn't use it. So thank you phoneman and bjm_ for giving me the idea to check and see if zoom would make any difference.