thankyou all for the replies about nis 2009 with spysweeper but i guess i worded my question wrong ,sorry. my real issue is installing nis 2009 on my old dell 3000 mhz xps. it has 2 gigs of memory and has no problems with nis 2008. nis 2009 easliy runs on both my ahlon pcs but not on the dell pentium 4 . I have tried numerous times to run nis 2009 [without spysweeper installed] on the pentium but no dice. it installs fine but when i reboot it, on the last phase of rebooting,it just stops and does nutin.[ this is all without spysweeper ]. then i have to start it in safemode and uninstall nis 2009. so now on the pentium i went back to nis 2008 and i put spysweeper back on [so as not to waste the spysweeper] and it runs fine. but i sure wish i could run nis 2009 on the pentium like i can on the amd athlons. i cant figure this one out and i have tried evrything. i appriciate any help thanx.