The computer "IP address" is attempting to access Control Center on your computer. Do you want to allow this connection?

M1 Max Macbook Pro, macOS 12.2, Norton 360 8.7.2

Whenever I am at work using my employer's WiFi, I periodically receive the following notification:

"The computer  'XX.XXX.XX.XXX' is attempting to access Control Center on your computer. Do you want to allow this connection?"

I then have the option to allow or block. Of course I click block because I do not know the computer that is trying to access my control center or why. 

I further investigated by opening Terminal on my mac, and when I typed "ping" and then the  computer's IP address, I received the following:


Joseph-MacBook-Pro:~ Joseph$ ping The computer "XX.XXX.XX.XXX" is attempting to access
usage: ping [-AaDdfnoQqRrv] [-c count] [-G sweepmaxsize]
            [-g sweepminsize] [-h sweepincrsize] [-i wait]
            [-l preload] [-M mask | time] [-m ttl] [-p pattern]
            [-S src_addr] [-s packetsize] [-t timeout][-W waittime]
            [-z tos] host
       ping [-AaDdfLnoQqRrv] [-c count] [-I iface] [-i wait]
            [-l preload] [-M mask | time] [-m ttl] [-p pattern] [-S src_addr]
            [-s packetsize] [-T ttl] [-t timeout] [-W waittime]
            [-z tos] mcast-group
Apple specific options (to be specified before mcast-group or host like all options)
            -b boundif           # bind the socket to the interface
            -k traffic_class     # set traffic class socket option
            -K net_service_type  # set traffic class socket options
            --apple-connect       # call connect(2) in the socket
            --apple-time          # display current time
Joseph-MacBook-Pro:~ Joseph$ Control Center on your computer. Do you want to allow this
-sh: Control: command not found
Joseph-MacBook-Pro:~ Joseph$ connection?


Does anyone know why another computer would try to access my Macbook Pro's control center? 


I have the same alert. M1 too. Hotel Wifi. Port 7000. 

I also use to get this one, but don't any more: 

I had that same thing happen to me; except If I said no, I could not connect to internet.

Well I agree. Nothing I do stops it, all I can do now is uninstall Norton and use Mcafee.

Any word from Norton on why this is happening? They seem to be blind to this issue, the resolve they give on the notification does absolutely nothing.