The newest version of norton 360

Hello there I just used the new version check on my norton 360 and got it upgraded to version, and eveything seemed fine, but I see something new now whnever I use google chrome apparently. It mentions a rule rejected thing. Is says Rule rejected UPD(17). It mentions some other things, but it seems similar to a problem another guy has. What is this? Is my computer in trouble? Also what is with this unauthorized access blocked(open file) by SVCHOST.EXE? This poppued up a bunch in my recent history just like the rule rejected message. What is happening? Also please tell me how to send a picture of this if you need one cause I don't know how.

Hi Darigan222

How to post an image in the Norton forum.








These are tghe pictures of what I saw.

I really need help.pngI hope this helps.png

what is this.jpg 


For the aunathoried acess blocked I saw a lot more of that yesturday. Now I am also curious why is there a  notron360.exe task in the task manager because it wasn't there before the upgrade.

Hi Darigan222

Norton is blocking the attempt so its working correctly.

SVCHOST.EXE is a host process that Norton uses as it is a host process other programmes use it as well.

Seeing Norton 360 in the task maneger is probably because Norton has been launched.  Check the task manger then launch Norton, it may also be that a Norton automatic process is running.

Not to sure about google though is it functioning correctly and what version is it?







My google is updtae and running fine. It is version 29.0.1547.66 m and it said it is up to date.

The Norton360.exe in task manager used to be one of the multiple ccsvchst.exe entries in task manager. With the v21 versions of Norton products they now identify your actual product. Norton Internet Security now shows a NIS.exe.


The message you see is Norton Tamper Protection stopping some process from accessing a Norton process. This is what it is designed to do. It could be as simple as Windows search or indexing trying to look into a norton file on the HD and Norton making sure nothing is changed.




Okay then what about the rule rejected recent history messages like this ?

What about this.png

I'm no expert on network errors, but this post may help explain things. It does not seem to be anything you need to worry about.




Thanks. It seems that nothing is wrong, but yea I don't think there was anything that would cause this, but it was an ssdp thing.

I have no clue though how to check if somethign would be causign this cause I scan and everything is fine. Cause it is werid to see this almost every mintue.

okay then then what is UPnP Discovery and LLMNR then? The UPnP Discovery mentions the ssdp thing, but I have no clue what UPnP and LLMNR are still. What are they? Also with the UPnP Discovery rule reject there are two different remote IPs can I get some help. This shouldn't be happening every mintue. this needs to be solved.pngthis needs to be solved right now.png

Also sorry about adding more, but even thugh I understand the svchost unauthorized acess blocked thing, but that doesn't explain why I see such a big chunk of them from the same appear in one block. It isn't nearly as frequent as the rule rejected, but still something odd. Is that just normal still?

Darigan222 wrote:

okay then then what is UPnP Discovery and LLMNR then? The UPnP Discovery mentions the ssdp thing, but I have no clue what UPnP and LLMNR are still. What are they? Also with the UPnP Discovery rule reject there are two different remote IPs can I get some help. This shouldn't be happening every mintue. 

These are other protocols that devices on a network use to find and communicate wtih each other.  This is all traffic on the local area network and these are multicast shoutouts from some device on that network letting other devices know that it is present.  Most likely, this is your router, and turning off UPnP in the router settings should stop the firewall entries.

So basically I shouldn't worry to much about the alrets in the recent histry? Everything is normal then?

I am just curious then are these alrets normal and nothing to worry about then?

FWIW, I'm getting the same series of UDP(17) / UPnP / LLMNR messages in my recent firewall history.  What drove my curiosity about this -- more so than if I were at home -- is that I'm currently on a hotel's WiFi sytem.  I'm always feeling a little more "on guard" in such settngs, even though I use a personal VPN for extra security when traveling (in addition to Norton Internet Security v21).  I don't think I get these messages at home.  I don't know if this is of any significance, but I have the UPnP and ssdp Discovery services disabled (XP-SP3).

Hi Darigan222

How to post an image in the Norton forum.








These are tghe pictures of what I saw.

I really need help.pngI hope this helps.png

what is this.jpg 


For the aunathoried acess blocked I saw a lot more of that yesturday. Now I am also curious why is there a  notron360.exe task in the task manager because it wasn't there before the upgrade.

Hi Darigan222

Norton is blocking the attempt so its working correctly.

SVCHOST.EXE is a host process that Norton uses as it is a host process other programmes use it as well.

Seeing Norton 360 in the task maneger is probably because Norton has been launched.  Check the task manger then launch Norton, it may also be that a Norton automatic process is running.

Not to sure about google though is it functioning correctly and what version is it?







My google is updtae and running fine. It is version 29.0.1547.66 m and it said it is up to date.

The Norton360.exe in task manager used to be one of the multiple ccsvchst.exe entries in task manager. With the v21 versions of Norton products they now identify your actual product. Norton Internet Security now shows a NIS.exe.


The message you see is Norton Tamper Protection stopping some process from accessing a Norton process. This is what it is designed to do. It could be as simple as Windows search or indexing trying to look into a norton file on the HD and Norton making sure nothing is changed.