The Norton extension for Safari cannot communicate with the Norton Internet Security application


I have a Mac with Sierra and Norton Internet Security 7.6. Lately I have been getting this error message: "The Norton extension for Safari cannot communicate with the Norton Internet Security application". I saw on Google that this is quite an old and frequent issue. I followed some of the suggestions. How do I know if the problem was fixed, what should I check? I have no idea if communication was re-established and if in fact Norton protects my computer now. Thanks.


You are most welcome.


Thanks, I appreciate the confirmation. On MACs the Norton icon doesn't have any colors.

Since those are functional the communication issue with the product is no longer there.


On a Windows system, as long as that icon has a green check mark, it means all Norton functions are working normally. I would include any protections offered for your browsers. 

On the MAC I see for Norton an icon which is a circle with a check mark in it. Clicking on it brings up a drop down with 3 options:

Run QuickScan, Run LiveUpdate, Open Norton Internet Security. All of them work. 

Is this good enough "proof" that the Norton extension for Safari communicates as expected with Norton Internet Security?


Does the MAC version have something similar to the System Tray icon with a checkmark in the Windows versons?

If the error hasn't reappeared and no other messages are being presented your product should be functioning as it should.


Thanks. I have seen this info and done already some of what's suggested but I do not know how to validate that the problem was fixed or not. The error message is not "permanently" displayed. 

How do I know if the problem was fixed, what should I check? I have no idea if communication was re-established and if in fact Norton protects my computer now. Thanks.

Hello suzy2014. These articles may help with your issue. The first is with the communication with the security application. The second is regarding the statement from Norton " Currently only Norton Safe Web and Norton Identity Safe extensions are available for Safari. The Norton Safe Search and Norton Home Page extensions have been submitted to the Safari Extensions gallery and an approval from Apple is awaited. Please revisit this page for further updates".




It probably won't be moved until after the weekend.

Have a Good Night and


Thanks. Since I have not heard back from anyone (notifications enabled), I didn't know what to assume. I hope that someone who knows better will address my question.

You don't need to worry about losing track of your thread. When it is moved, you will still see the thread title listed just where you posted it. When you click on it, it will take you to the new location.

If you have the email notifications for your thread enabled, they are be default, you will know when there is a reply.

Thanks. How do I know if the move happened and how do I locate the moved thread? I am new to this forum. Will I be notified via Email after the move if someone replies?

I have asked this thread be moved to the MAC board where more MAC users should be able to help.