The Norton toggle on the Chrome toolbar stopped working and it got a lot worse from there.....

The Norton toggle on the Chrome toolbar  (black box, orange circle with swoosh) on my Windows XP desktop stopped working and the Norton toolbar disappeared (all today for the first time, OK yesterday, Chrome is on auto update) so following some Forum tips I reinstalled the latest version of Chrome. Same problem persists. I then reinstalled the latest NIS. Disaster. It moved me to the cloud version of the product (didn't ask for permission) and did NOT save my Identity Safe login repository which was LOST. Fortunately I had a backup copy of an almost current version of the repository on a laptop which I copied across using export/import. So now I have a working identity safe repository on the desktop but the toggle still doen't work and the Norton toolbar isn't visible so at each login i get the FIRST saved login for that URL and can't access any others (many of my identity safe logins are for the same site for different users. HELP!! I'm on Chrome Version 32.0.1700.72 m and NIS