the source of the problem

Hello I have been using Norton for quite some time now. I was just curious what happens once the attacking computer or host is identified? I have used ip look ups and traceroute  on many intrusion attempts and have found that most urls have not even been flagged. But  when i check my ip I have been blacklisted on three different anti-spam data bases. I had unknowingly played host and now pay the consequences. I had backed tracked many attacks to host websites in Germany and here in the US, I had contacted the web masters via email and gave them the attacking computer id and the type of attack as well. Most replys were automated. I know Nortons job is to stop these attacks(and does a good job of it) but when will these people and sites be held responsible?  They can easily be located ,and their isp is always indicated. Can we go directly to their isp with the complaints? So far my investigating has found these large host websites do not care. It would be easy to fight fire with fire but doing so involves crossing certain lines. I have had some bad viruses  and to me its a puzzle but the're many people who lose money or personal info. and I feel the ones who are on the other end should be called out. This is one I had received not to long ago.  The host can no longer be found but I'm sure the ISP has some sort of record. Here is ip info