The Truth about my expereince

Got this msg below because I posted a negative review of NMS in App Store.

Here is a copy the post and NMS reply:

Absolute Garbage
I hope this comment helps someone. This app sucked 30% battery life in just
3hrs. Just install gsam & see for yourself. What a fail!

NortonMobile replied on June 24, 2013
Hi xxxx, we are sorry to hear you are having issues with your Norton
Mobile Security using too much battery. Could you please assist us in
investigating this issue by providing additional information? Please visit
and create a post on the Norton Mobile Security Forum at

Honestly, I'm not sure why I am taking the time to write this except that I
can appreciate the effort to develop apps, many of which are free.

Unfortunately, I think Apps can be like medicine; you can have a different
reaction depending on your body chemistry.

In this case I am using an older Samsung Galaxy Epic 4G on Sprint network,
and perhaps NMS is not geared for this device.  The experience was that
the phone was very unresponsive requiring battery pulls daily.  Not to
mention slow in almost every aspect.

Whats worse, is that these symptoms weren't there after initially installing
NMS. But in hind-sight, they got progressivly worse over time, to the point
where I was convinced the network carrier was playing games to urge me

into buying a new handset.

After unplugging my phone from 100% overnight charge, after only 3 hours of
none use, the battery charge was maybe 65%.  In desparation, I went
searching for battery draining information and came accross a post on the
web where someone suggested installing the GSAM app, to get detailed battery
usage info.  So I did, and lo&behold, it showed Norton Mobile Security had
used 30% of battery... far far more than any other app.

I ununstalled NMS and the battery drain now behaves more like what is expected.  While I
was savy enough to find something like GSAM and use it to help myself, I can
only imagine all the other poor souls who aren't as tech savy, falling prey
to an app that is supposed to be helping to give a "smoother" experience.
As I said earlier, it may be that my handset is just not well suited for the
app, but it is bad that there is no good way to know that until after much

It doesn't matter what the technical explanation is about why this happened.

At the end of the day the expereince was not worthwhile.


I hope this information helps you guys.

I am running stock ROM, Gingerbread.FC09.

Good luck