I'm running Norton Antivirus Corporation Edition. I was getting automatic updates installed every Friday night until 3 weeks ago. Then I stopped getting the automatic updates and the message "The virus definition file is more than 30 days old. Updating to a new virus definition file will catch the most recent viruses" displayed every time I start up my computer.
I suspected they was something wrong and ran a complete virus check with Norton Antivirus corporate addition. The check found 16 viruses and I removed them all. The message still appeared that the definition file was more than 30 days old. So I removed Norton Antivirus and re-installed and still got the message that the definition file was more that 30 days old.
I don't have a list of the viruses that was found because they were removed when I installed Norton. The problem I'm seeing is listed on the web having to do with different variations of the Win32/Trojan virus which I believe is one of the viruses that was found on my PC.
I also ran Spotbot and removed all the detected problems. I just finished run the Microsoft One Care on-line tune-up which found and fixed 3 issues
1) Worm : Win32/Sasser I
2) Spyware : Win32/Look2ME
3) Program : Win32/PowerRegSchedule
The problem is still occurring. When the Pop Up message is appearing I can go to the task manager which tells me the the process "VPTRAY.EXE" is running when the pop up message is displayed. Different website tell me that "VPTRAY.EXe is a Symantec file and can contain viruses.