Things are so much faster now...

...that I have deleted Norton Antivirus.

Now, if by some chance the Norton people will respect my opinion and not bring the hammer down and delete my post and tell me how wrong I am, I thought it beneficial to the community to at least briefly express my research.


Don't get me wrong. I like the Norton products very much. I suppose my system is so old now (4 years; 2.2ghz dual core 2GB SDRAM Windows Vista SP-2), that the efficiency rating (what I call the overall speed of my computer when everything is running) dropped considerably enough to delete Norton and reactivate Windows defender and the malicious software removal tool. I know the Norton people will cringe and reply that I am at risk. I know that. I am well aware of that. But I have noticed only one thing now that Norton is gone: speed increase across the board. I have tons more free RAM available, my hard drive is not always busy in the background, and my connection is not always being tapped, also in the background.  My keyboard and browsers do not stall any more (freeze temporarily, checking keystrokes, etc.).


I decided to remove Norton after watching the movie, "Apollo 13". I know it sounds weird. On their mission had a catastrophic failure as you may know, and when they were figuring out the power up sequence the rule was "essential systems only." I really like the sound of that.  And so far everything is running so fast and efficient now that I have all the unnecessary services and background programs turned off. I'm not saying Norton will lead to the same problems the astronauts had on the Apollo 13 Mission, as that would be a false analogy.


Should something happen in the future, and yes, it is my risk and I'm willing to take it, then I won't hesitate to put Norton back on.  I thank the moderators for letting me respectfully express my opinion.  I'm abandoning the posts, because I've already heard the replies.  Thank you.
