I came to say, I cannot stay, I must be going...
I've tried my third upgrade from Norton 2006 in 3 years.
Every time since the first, I take a FULL IMAGE backup of my Thinkpad (learnd my lesson that first time.)
Then I let Norton do the upgrade.
And do the 'Reboot to finish installation.'
Then the installation can't finish because (wait for it...) it needs to connect to the Norton server....through the network connection the installation kills EVERY TIME.
I try the Intel NIC to the network cable, I try the wi-fi. I check the firewalls and the DHCP.
I finally recover the full image from my back-up. (Acronis, btw. Doesn't require MS.Not)
... I'm sick of it.
[edit: Changed subject for clarity.]
So after years of protecting my home network (six PCs) with 4 different protections (Norton, McAfee, Sophos, Webroot) each alone on whoever's PC, it looks like I'm moving on from Norton, the connection killer.
I've read Kaspersky's better rated, and Webroot certainly is friendlier and has a lighter footprint. Maybe I'll check out AVG.
But I wasted a big piece of my Saturday on Norton.
And I won't make that mistake anymore.