Threat secured -

How on Earth do I get Norton to stop telling me about this? Every single time I open my browser or have it open for a few minutes it comes up with this message telling me that it’s prevented connection to a dangerous website and I frankly do not care. I don’t know why it feels the need to tell me this news like I’m going to give it a treat and say “good boy”, is there any way to make Norton be quiet about these kind of thi- (A new one literally popped up whilst I was typing this) ngs. I never had this issue on my old PC and it’s driving me absolutely insane.

It’s great that Norton is doing some security stuff but dear God can it please do it quietly? I can’t even find a “silent mode” or anything like what used to be a feature in the old layout. I hope that option hasn’t been removed.

Edit: I found the silent mode feature and it’s already turned on LOL. Good one.

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Hello @Kososen
Norton product & version#?
browser & version#?
browser extensions?

fwiw ~ may be related:
What are these suspicious Google URLs?

security control detected this domain as malicious :

What are Google URLs?

What is a content delivery network (CDN)?

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