I just downloaded and installed the Free version of Norton Family. If this works, I will likely upgrade to Premiere. I've been comparing it to Net Nanny and Safe Eyes, trying trial versions of those products as well. Overall I like Norton Family, and the ability to assign local machine accounts to the child's online accounts.
One feature that is particularily important to me is the time limits. I want to effectively have my chold not be able to use the PC (or at least have internet access) after 2 hours of use each day. (Under special circumstances, we can extend that). NOF does this well from the perspective of tracking time across PCs, providing good and easy reporting to me, including the parent iphone app (something the competing products lack), and notifying the child that time is up or about to expire. Unfortunately, the big problem I have, which may kill the product unfortunately, is that when time is reached, my chld can and has used the PC for a long time afterwards. The account "locks" when time is up, but he can click on it, log back in, wait a few nimutes for the NOF timer to go, then in one minute it locks out again. He just does this indefinately and it seems to go on and on.
I have read previous posts about this, and Symantic Admin noted that they did this intentionally so prevent kids from loosing unsaved homkework. While I appreciate the concern, It would be preferrable to have the parent decide what happens when time is up. It is an important parenting tool to have the PC lock out the child when time is hop. This is how he/she will learn time management. When doing homework, I lift controls. These controls are in place for personal use anyway. Regardless, can you please improve this feateure, soon. If you are concerned about unsaved homework, please make this an option for the parent and have us click a dosclaimer so remove any responsibility from yourselves.
Thanks you for your time and attention to this.