I set time limit for my daughter but it does not have affect I expect (forced logout) - it was working some weeks ago. In alert log I see many alerts that time limit has been reached. I am not sure if NF is active, however time to time between these time alerts I see also alerts of blocked web sites, so I believe is active Daughter uses Chrome browser Any advice what and how to check ?
Hi Katie Tomorrow I am going to check her account @ another PC (2 PC’s are monitored)
I set time limit for my daughter but it does not have affect I expect (forced logout) - it was working some weeks ago. In alert log I see many alerts that time limit has been reached. I am not sure if NF is active, however time to time between these time alerts I see also alerts of blocked web sites, so I believe is active Daughter uses Chrome browser Any advice what and how to check ?
Hi erlang,
The program does block the child account when the time is up and they can’t disable the program unless they have the account email and password. When the time is up or during a curfew period, the child would get an extra 60 seconds plus another 60 seconds while displaying a warning message with 60 seconds counting down. After that, the child is logged out of his/her account. The child is allowed to log back to the PC for 60 seconds and receive another warning message with 60 seconds counting down to finish whatever he/she was doing . Later, the behavior is repeated for the 3rd time, so the child gets about extra 6 minutes, then he/she wouldn't be able to log back to the PC without the email address and password of the Norton Online Family account.
What I’ve heard is some children login again & again (after the exact 6 minutes) using the few seconds right before the program logs them out. One thing you can try is to add a password for the child’s Windows account, so when the child logs back onto the PC diligently each time, it would create more work for the child to do it every few seconds.
Hi Katie Thanks for comprehensive answer. Indeed, NOF behaves as you described, but my daughter has discovered a hole, very similar or even the same as deccribed here : http://community.norton.com/t5/Norton-Family/My-son-figured-out-how-to-disable-Norton-Online-Family-time/td-p/855522 She has a password assigned to her windows account but it does not help TheNOF icon is visible and looks active in task bar, however there is no reaction for right mouse button click to see e.g. remaining time limit In the log I see plenty of alerts “Blocked - Daily time limit reached [xxxxxxxx]” sometime 2 times per minute Ans still I need at least workaround… BR erlang