I had an interesting issue this morning. My son hit his time limit without much warning at all, and before it was really possible. We have the trial version, and I have today set for 5 hours max, starting at 10 am log in time. He logs in, plays a bit (well after ten) and at around 1300 (so max of 3 hours allowed on), he gets logged out and hit with the "Max Time Allowed". What I do not understand is 1) How, 5 hours would be 1500 earliest to be locked down 2) He got a 1 minute warning, I checked and it did not show any used time at all 3) His sibling did not have this issue.
I extended his limit by 5 hours, and this resolved it, but how did he reach max time when he cannot even have been on that long?
Info: Only installed on their computer. Their tablets are Amazon Fires, so not supported. He was logged off (as much as we both are aware) until he logged in after the 1000 start. He did not get a 15 minute warning, only the 5 and 1 minute warnings.
Thanks for providing further details.
We could see your second child device details as well, there seems to be some technical issue earlier.
We don't store the system dates. However, since there was an issue with the date and you had fixed it, please monitor from now on and reach out to us if you face this problem again.
I have two children on my Norton account each with a single (but separate) device that is monitored (other devices aren’t able to do Norton). They show up correctly and monitor correctly, as far as I can tell.
While i know my son hit 5 hours (shows 10 actually), the concern I have is it hit the 5 hour mark with little warning and 2 hours before it should have been possible (3 hours after start of authorized electronic time under rules). I did verify the date and time (had to fix the day before because it was a day ahead), which needs me to ask, if the time for the day before registered as the next day, is that stored? That might have been the cause of the issue, though now in concerned you don’t see the second child on my account.
Based on our backend data, we noticed that your child devices usage limit reached 5 hours (on 25th Dec) and it has locked the device. Could you please check the time zone/time on the device and ensure it is correct?
Also you mentioned that his sibling doesn't have this issue, but we could see only one device associated to a child in your account.
Are they both using the same device ? or Have you setup his sibling with a different Norton Family account?
Please provide the above details, which will help us to investigate further.