Tinker: When a program requires Windows Firewall to install

I run NIS 17.1 on Win7 x64, and ran up a doozy of a problem when attempting to install the newly re-released Microsoft Tinker (http://www.microsoft.com/games/en-us/Games/Pages/tinker.aspx). It simply doesn't install, and the install log, once you eventually find it, mentions that it cannot connect to the Windows Firewall (http://forums.gamesforwindows.com/t/9313.aspx). That led me to disabling the NIS firewall, setting the grayed-out Windows Firewall service on Automatic, and rebooting. NIS firewall is off, Windows Firewall is on, and you're all set. But this is a terrible precedent, if it's indeed the first case where a program requires a particular firewall to install. Has anyone heard of this type of thing before?