The face of Norton is supposed to be some American Named Peter correct? If you answered yes to this than you are exactly wrong. The call center is based in the where? When calling into support you expect a little bit of the language issues. I didn't however expect what I got. I call into the support team there at Norton and some lady from the Philippines answers the line and is nothing but helpful in trying to diagnose me. Not the computer but me the lady asked for everything personally identifying that a person holds dear to themselves.
I ask repeatedly for US support and what do I hear. "Sorry, Sir that team is not available." "Sorry Sir there is not an option to send you to the us support team.:
I live in the US and you are telling me that the hours of 8 am to 5 pm there are no American workers for this company. That is a hard sell. I was on hold after this point for almost an hour during which time the customer service line had me wanting to hang up. Oh that;s right I couldn't, the log me in session that was being used by the agent had a person in my machine. I was on the phone and chat as it were, Even though the person didn't chat at all. No hi how are you? Nothing, at all.
After dealing with a few hours of this, I was told that the issue was needing the next level support agents. Thinking this is great I will finally end up somewhere with someone who understands me, Nope no such luck.
I was sent in hellish call center circle. I swear I talked between the chat and phone to 12 people. Not one of them was an American either. That to me is unacceptable.
That is when things got bad. I was in the middle of the third agent from the "Virus Service Team" , or Norton Live Service team which ever you want to call them, and they told me that the computer they were on was infected with a "Root-Kit." Ha I laugh, at the thought of my system being infected with a root kit. I laugh because the installed Operating System was installed by me today on top of a mother board I took out of the box that same day, and had just barely installed it in the case, and sadly when installing the new OS my first thought was "I should go out and get some Norton Antivirus protection." I explained this to the agent and he was in awe. I was then told no Sir you are wrong. "Thought the potential of this being said at this time is unbelievable." I asked for the manager on the floor at this moment. I am not able to send you to that person at this time. I was at this time trying to disconnect the service. I was almost to the disconnection and the agent was able to take the mouse and minimize the window. I then disconnected the internet, cutting them out of the system all together. I sit by the system and the phone expecting an agent of the reputable Symantec Norton to call back, but never did that happen. instead due to having issued out all of my details to the agent on the other end of the phone in the beginning of the call I was surprised to receive a billing statement.
I can tell you that the service I received from this help desk if you can call a person on the phone clearly either in the room with screaming kids or in a center with a couple hundred other people yelling Ultimate. The Ultimate install rate was a soft to swallow. All around sad that I believed in Norton.
$ 99.00 U.H.D install
$ 29.99 U.H.D subscription
$ 69.99 Norton security (never installed, never sent in email, never addressed)
$ 19.99 Subscription for V.S.S.G (what is that?)
Totaling a service that is not even Norton and who they are is a mystery. Look to be full time 3rd party scammers that the Norton brand has working the system from both e
In total a waste of time and efforts. This is outrageous and you lost one more due to wanting to save a few bucks. Tell the top of the chain Mike Brown, that this is the way to lose out of business not gain it. Outsourced or not the support was once worth the time of day it took to get help. The fact that you cannot even tell people that you are or Norton anymore on the phone says something about the way you are doing business. who is going to be left holding the rope when it comes time, not the people in Philippines, they will do what you are doing now. Wash their hands of this weirdness and be gone, nowhere to be found or heard from again.
"When this effortlessness you at Symantec have undergone reverberates it is going to show, on the faces of the top of the food chain. "