Good day;
Note: This is NOT in relation to IDSafe data.
1. How do we backup my own N360's settings (My Norton's configuration) ? ie: Before running Norton's removal/clean tool ?
2. Also, is there a way to re-import all my own Norton360 settings, in a newer PC, after installing Norton ? (IE9 - Vista)
3. How (or which Norton file) to bulk-add exclusions to ? I have a list of exclusion files, folders etc... to add everytime I install Norton on a (crashed) PC. A pain to enter all those entries by hand, one by one... ( twice !!!! ...Scan exclusions and, Auto-Protect exclusions)
4. When are exclusion lists going to accept wildcards ? As in; MyReport*
I need to to exclude MyReportyyy.yyy etc... on download and in a folder BUT, still scanning everything else in the folder.
Thank you