Toolbar Covering Top of Websites

Hello, Forum Members!

I've been running into an issue over the last week or two where the Norton Security Toolbar (2015.2.0.15) is covering up the tops of websites.  It's happening in Chrome (40.0.2214.115 m) and IE 11.  It's happening on three machines (all Windows 7 with latest updates).  It's not happening on EVERY site, but it's happening on a majority of sites (roughly 70%).  If I close the browser and open it again, it will typically fix the issue (although sometimes it takes a couple rounds of that).  When it's really bad, I run in Incognito / InPrivate mode just to keep the toolbar from coming up.  Needless to say, it can be annoying (not seeing the tops of sites, even as you scroll) and can even hurt functionality (for instance, not being able to easily see the search box when looking at Google search results).

Anyone else running into this?  Any suggestions for a fix?  I love having the Vault there, but I don't use "Safe Search" (I have it turned off).  Any thoughts / suggestions are appreciated.


Jason W. Pegg