ミノフスキー龍二:結局、「Windows 用ノートン 削除および再インストールツール」を利用して、「アンインストールおよび再インストール」をしました。おかげさまで正常にもどりました。ご指導ありがとうございました。
After all, I used "Norton Removal and Reinstallation Tool for Windows" to "uninstall and reinstall". Thanks to you, I'm back to normal. Thank you for your guidance.
Thank you.
結局、「Windows 用ノートン 削除および再インストールツール」を利用して、「アンインストールおよび再インストール」をしました。おかげさまで正常にもどりました。ご指導ありがとうございました。
and if reported issue remains: from Windows admin user account.
Download and run the Norton Remove and Reinstall tool for Windows
Norton Remove and Reinstall tool is used to uninstall and reinstall or remove your Norton device security product on Windows.
To uninstall and reinstall your Norton device security product, click Remove & Reinstall.
Please run Norton LiveUpdate until no updates + Restart (not Shut down) machine. Repeat x3.
and if reported issue remains: from Windows admin user account.
Download and run the Norton Remove and Reinstall tool for Windows
Norton Remove and Reinstall tool is used to uninstall and reinstall or remove your Norton device security product on Windows.
To only remove your Norton device security product, click Advanced Options and then click Remove Only.
Please clear out Norton remnants [here] before fresh Norton install.
from your Norton account
for example:
Install your protection on this device
Your Norton protection is ready for download. Follow the steps provided below to install your protection.
Download and install your Norton device security
View detailed steps
Please run Norton LiveUpdate until no updates + Restart (not Shut down) machine. Repeat x3.
Problem after Norton 360 icon change
Posted: 20-Aug-2022 | 11:12PM Edited: 20-Aug-2022 | 11:14PM 1 Reply PermalinkAround mid-August, I noticed ① "Norton 360's icon changed", but after that, it stopped working as before. (2) Even if you start it, "the displayed characters are strange", and you can no longer close it with "✕" in the window. I can close it from the taskbar, but it's annoying anyway. ③ "Norton Utility Ultimate" opened normally for some reason and worked. ➃When you connect a USB memory to the USB terminal, the message "Do you want to scan?" I don't really understand. I'm not very computer savvy, so I had a hard time getting here. I'm not sure if I can post properly. If anyone knows the solution, please let me know. thank you.
Please run Norton LiveUpdate until no updates + Restart (not Shut down) machine. Repeat x3.
Please turn off Windows Fast Startup. W10 [here] W11 [here].
Please turn off Hibernate.
After Windows Updates - confirm Windows Fast Startup & Hibernate are off.
Switch between the My Norton window/view and Classic view/window
new desktop shortcut
new systray icon
You may need to run LiveUpdate and reboot a few times before your product is completely updated to the latest version.
Norton Security for Windows is now available!
Norton Security for Windows is now available!
Run Norton scan on your USB drive
Your Norton product has detected a USB drive connected to your computer. We recommend that you scan the USB drive for threats before you access it.By default, your Norton product alerts you each time it detects a USB drive connected to your computer. If you do not want your Norton product to prompt you for action, you can change the settings.
Open your Norton device security product.
<p>If you see the <strong>My Norton</strong> window, next to <strong>Device Security</strong>, click <strong>Open</strong>.</p> </li> <li> <p>In the Norton product main window, click <strong>Settings</strong>.</p> </li> <li> <p>In the <strong>Settings</strong> window, click <strong>Antivirus</strong>.</p> </li> <li> <p>In the <strong>Antivirus</strong> settings window, click the <strong>Scans and Risks</strong> tab.</p> </li> <li> <p>Under <strong>Computer Scans</strong>, in the <strong>USB Drive Scan</strong> row, select one of the following:</p> <ul> <li> <p><strong>On</strong>: Initiates a virus scan automatically when a USB drive is detected.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Ask Me</strong>: Prompts you to initiate a virus scan upon detection of USB drive.</p> <p>This option is selected by default. You can choose to run the scan or skip scanning.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Off</strong>: Turns off USB drive scan.</p> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <p>In the <strong>Remove Infected USB Files</strong> row, select one of the following:</p> <ul> <li> <p><strong>Automatic</strong>: Removes all infected files detected in the USB drive. This option is selected by default.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Ask Me</strong>: Provides you the control when an infected file is detected. You can choose what to do with the infected file.</p> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <p>In the <strong>Settings</strong> window, click <strong>Apply</strong> and then click <strong>Close</strong>.</p> </li>