Transfer Program Control Rules during Upgrade to NS or NIS 2013

This is the time of year I dread the most with Norton.  When my product license is about to expire and I am still running at least 1 yr old version.  I know they have promised and at times said that the ability to keep all your self-created manual Program Control rules was in the new version, they however have not directly addressed how to make it work properly.

What I am trying to do is this.  I have Norton internet Security 2012 or 2013 on my computers right now.  I want to bring them all into the current version of Norton Security (without backup as my licenses are just NIS not N360).  The problem is that I have created special access rules for various programs.  I do this to stop the ads for new versions and other privacy concerns with software sending data without my knowledge back to the company.  When I can select that option during install or in the setup menus, I do.  However for those that don't offer that choice, or software that needs to access the internet (so it creates a rule on its own), I have to either do a manual adjustment or add it to my list of program controls.

In the new NS it is found by clicking on settings, then Firewall,  then the tab Program control.  Under the older versions, it was click on settings, Network, Smart Firewall and then Program Control.  So you can fully understand what I am referring to, lets say I have a program that is designed to send info on my computer to ABC company.  That file name is ABCADS.exe.  So I click on configure, then add, I locate the file where ever it is on my computer, to keep things simple, c:\ABC Solutions.  I find ABCADS.exe (it is just pure luck that I realized ABC is also a TV network - so no negative intent meant), click on the OPEN, and then it ask me whether I want to manually configue/allow/block that ABCADS.exe.  I choose block.  Once that is done, it now shows up in a listing of all programs that Norton as created Firewall Program Control rules for regarding how they access the internet.

Now supposedly before Norton Int Sec 2012, you had to redo these rules when you upgraded.  Starting with 2013 the program was suppose to automatically move those rules over to the new version, so you didn't have to recreate all the special rules you created, in my case there are more than 1000 program control rules (some I created, some Norton automatically did).  When I did a recent upgrade to 2013, the rules did not transfer over and I am now having to recreate all the custom rules, from my brain memory not computer memory (ha ha).  When I contacted Norton Support, they didn't understand what I was talking about as they tried to have me do some sort of editing of the registry that had nothing to do with the program controls.

So can anyone, who knows what I am talking about tell me how when I decide to upgrade (3 days left) to NS w/out backup, transfer all those program control rules and any other user set/configured data into the new version.  Right now NIS versions are running.  I have a new license/key that I can enter.  So what are the steps that I need to do, before installing the new version to make sure that those program control rules and other user settings are transfered into the new program/upgrade so I don't have to do it manually again.  Please if you do respond, be as in depth as possible so in case there is any misunderstanding in your instructions I can adapt to the method you recommend.

Thank you all for reading this and help you can give me in this matter.