tried to revise my original question in Subject Line - it didn't take' ...

hello -- earlier posted a question on NISS feature to block unwanted emails..... i wanted to change the 'question' itself with the hopes it would be better phrased for the reader... ..i was able to click on 'edit' and retype the revision  in the 'subject line'  but it didn't take' and my original question text is still showing ....  also went to 'dashboard' and didn't see anything addressing that step... thanks in advance ...Edythe (by the way  - in my reply to someone who wrote-in , i was able to type in the new question in the subject line, but when i return to the 'board' the original is still there ...)

(here's what i wanted :    NISS setting for blocking certain emails-does sender get email returned as undeliverable?   [ Edited ]