Hi there i hope someone can help with removal of this. Symantec endpoint discovered this virus/trojan and it cant delete it and and keeps giving me this messege every 5min
Scan type: Auto-Protect Scan
Event: Risk Found!
Security risk detected: Trojan.Gen.2
File: C:\Windows\Installer\{4835385a-b096-9719-2ea1-2fbcaaa3cc2e}\U\80000000.@
Location: C:\Windows\Installer\{4835385a-b096-9719-2ea1-2fbcaaa3cc2e}\U
Computer: AAYO-HP
Action taken: Pending Side Effects Analysis : Access denied
Date found: 6. juni 2012 14:43:06
Hope someone can help i have been looking for an answer for hours. But none the wiser.