This nasty little bugger hijacks your machine and stops you from accessing Norton, Mcafee or any spyware scanning websites. It even stops norton from starting up.
I can't believe there's no mention of it yet on this forum!or even in Symantecs security alerts!!!!
I got it by aclicking 'allow this instance' for access to my pc. I thought it was the site 'Savefile' where I was getting a U2 video from asking so in a moment of weakness I said 'allow this instance' 2-3 times.
It started by rebooting my pc, then on restart of windows, puts a red X in your active icons with a message saying your computer has been infected! no kidding!!!!!!!
It puts a few files on your pc : brastk.exe and karna.dat in both c:\Windows and c:\windows\system32 and svchost.exe in c:\windows\system32\drivers.
I killed it by rebooting in Safe mode and ran a process I downloaded called Brastkremover.exe that I got from here
After that, i removed all entries for brastk.exe and karna.dat that were still left in the registry and the files that were still left in windows\system32. (My boot drive is a D:\ so maybe the tool didn't fully remove it.).
I then rebooted and it's appeared mostly gone (No RED 'X') but I still could not go to symantec's website but at least norton started up. I ran a quickscan and it found 'Backdoor.Tidserv'. After that I could get to the website.
I hope this helps someone else.