Trojan Virus Detected but not Deleted

I am running Norton Anti-Virus for Mac 12.3 and have two issues: 1) A full system scan detects the Trojan General virus but does not repair/delete it - the number of Trojan viruses showing after each scan keeps growing - how do I get rid of these?; 2) I set the three Automatic Protection switches to "On" but after a week or so one or more of them end up being turned off - I turn them on again but later they are off again - wondering if my Norton software is infected somehow?

Thanks for the quick response :-)  Looking forward to your suggestions.

You should be able to get the path of the trojans from the NAV history.  On the main window, hit "View History", and then select the Virus Detections log on the left.  Select a line for a detection and go to the Action menu (gear popup in upper left).  You can either copy the path to the clipboard directly or get it from the "Get Info" window.


Then can delete these paths using the Terminal.  Launch Terminal from /Applications/Utilities/Terminal, then issue commands to delete the specified paths by:


sudo rm -f <path1> <path2> etc.


You can also do this one file at a time.  If the paths have any spaces, surround them with double-quotes (for example "/Library/Application Support/file to remove").  You'll be prompted for your admin password.


Regarding the issue of Automatic Protection being disabled, the only thing I can do is request you send your Symantec Support Information, which can be generated via the Help menu.  I'll send you a private message with my email address.  Since we've tried this with other users and not determined much to go on, I'm not sure how helpful this will be, but perhaps your environment is different.  So it's worth taking a look.


Thanks and sorry for the problems.

I have three Trojan.gen detected but not deleted 

I looked at and opened 'terminal' but i dont see how to send the commands you suggest

Thank you

Did you get the paths of the Trojans from NAV? If so you should be able to use them with the "sudo rm" command I mentioned above (just type in the command, hit return and enter your admin password).  If that's not working, can you tell me what happens when you enter the commands (i.e. please paste any error messages to this thread)?

i did this


To proceed, enter your password, or type Ctrl-C to abort.

usage: rm [-f | -i] [-dPRrvW] file ...
unlink file
Dermot-Grove-Whites-iMac:~ dermotnfran$ /Users/dermotnfran/Documents from desktop/Office 2011 Identities (original)/Feb 28th 2011 [Backed up 2012-07-16 18.32.00]/Data Records/Message Sources/0T/0B/0M/22K/x27_22205.olk14MsgSource
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('


what else do i need to do

my wife has a iBook with snowleopard - is there a norton antivirus for it?

OK, sorry I should have mentioned that certain characters in the path will require it to be quoted.  Try this:


sudo rm "/Users/dermotnfran/Documents from desktop/Office 2011 Identities (original)/Feb 28th 2011 [Backed up 2012-07-16 18.32.00]/Data Records/Message Sources/0T/0B/0M/22K/x27_22205.olk14MsgSource"


Regarding Snow Leopard, NAV 11.x supports it.  If you have a NAV 12 CD, there's a folder on it with a NAV 11 installer (folder is named something like "For 10.4 to 10.6 users".

thank you - that seemed to work

I am running Norton Anti-Virus for Mac 12.3 and have two issues: 1) A full system scan detects the Trojan General virus but does not repair/delete it - the number of Trojan viruses showing after each scan keeps growing - how do I get rid of these?; 2) I set the three Automatic Protection switches to "On" but after a week or so one or more of them end up being turned off - I turn them on again but later they are off again - wondering if my Norton software is infected somehow?