
My brother has been using this computer lately and last Sunday, two Trojan got into the computer. Only today did Norton warn him about it and he then called me to check what it was. I've scanned the computer and there wasn't anything since the two files had already been quarantined. The log says they got in on the 24 th though.



updater.exeFile created:
firefox.exeFile  created:


Do you guys reckon this one might me a fake alert? The other one was already in the recycle bin so I can't really guess what it was.


Anyway, I'm mainly worried about the fact that my mum used this same computer today for banking related stuff. The website encrypts the information before sending it ( Https) like most bank websites nowadays I presume. But anyway, what do you guys think? Norton only warned my brother after my mum had been here so I'm not so sure of what should be done.


I'd appreciate any help.





File actions:

Infected File: d:\$recycle.bin\s-1-5-21-835539555-2870139527-1052894419-1002\$rd9ves8.exe





File Actions
Infected Files: c:\users\joão\appdata\local\mozilla\firefox\profiles\z8l675ot.default\cache\b9048f6cd01




My norton is in Portuguese so I thought I'd just copy these parts. Regarding what the file "supposedly" did, nothing shows up besides the name of the file and the fact that it was removed.