NIS 2012
Comp on and internet connected 24/7
I installed NIS 2012 on Thursday 9/13/12
Set Scheduled Full System Scan to run daily at 2am. I set "ask me" as the status for dealing with tracking cookies
The Scheduled Full System scan ran early morning on Friday 9/14/12. Tracking cookies were detected.
When I sat at my PC, I clicked the NIS icon in the system tray. A window popped up and notified me there were unresolved security risks- tracking cookies. It gave me the option to fix (remove them). Which I did
This morning 9/15/12 when I sat at the PC, I clicked the NIS icon in the system tray. No window popped up notifying me of unresolved security risks. But I knew that I should have tracking cookies. So I went to the unresolved security risks log and there was an entry involving tracking cookies. However I Did Not have the option available to fix (remove) the tracking cookies.
I had to run a manual quick scan where they same tracking cookies were detected and then I had the option to removethem
I know I can set it to auomatically remove tracking cookies, but want to keep that status at ask me.
But then how do I manually remove them without having to run a quick scan again??