Two items - file paths, information about actions

Two really annoying things

  1. It is very difficult to figure out the full path to the file that Norton is reporting as infected when I need to make the action decision. For example, in a complex email environment there are several files named "Inbox". When I check the history, because of the small window and dirty history, it is hard to figure out what history item matches (if it is even there yet). Why can't all relevant information be displayed all of the time?
  2. Say the file is named "inbox" and I ask Norton to ignore the action for now. Does Norton permanently remember this decision? Why is it not clear from the screen. Why is necessary information never available? If it is permanently remembered, how can I change my mind? The reason for asking is I did an ignore, then another full system scan and Norton no longer showed the previously shown file.

I know that often Norton displays too much information that even a software developer can't use to make decisions, but it is now doing the opposite and not providing any information with which to make decisions.