I hope there is someone that has a fix for this problem.
After listening for years to my wife and friends talking about Norton I jumped in the deep end and bought NIS today and installed it on my Acer laptop using windows 7.
Everything went smoothly untill I noticed a document did not backup/sync as it usually did. :(
I checked that Ubuntu One was not blocked by the Firewall ...
I hope there is someone that has a fix for this problem.
After listening for years to my wife and friends talking about Norton I jumped in the deep end and bought NIS today and installed it on my Acer laptop using windows 7.
Everything went smoothly untill I noticed a document did not backup/sync as it usually did. :(
I checked that Ubuntu One was not blocked by the Firewall ...
Ubuntu One hangs and does not sync or refresh :(
My system details:
Windows 7 Home Premuim
Norton Internet Security
Welcome, Can I assume that you have run live update until the program said that all updates have been downloaded and installed? Can I also assume that you have rebooted as needed during the update process and ataleast once since then? I will also assume that your OS and drivers arre all up to date.
If All of the above are correct then we'll have to dig a bit deeper.