Unable to Add Manual Exclusion to NU Registry Scan (Attn: Symantec)

I have Norton Utilities with latest from Live Update.


When trying to add a manual exclusion for the Registry Scan it does not work for either Values or Keys. When you click the Add button, presumably a pop-up should appear to allow you to put in the exclusion. No pop up window appears, in fact nothing happens at all. This can be seen via Administer > Settings then click on Ignore List on the left side of the window. Then click on either Values or Keys tab and try to add a manual entry.


Please see attached for a screen shot.


If you do a registry scan to completion and have errors whereupon you can do a right click on the entry and add it to the exclusion list, this does work.


Attempting to add a manual exclusion does not work however. I've gone through all the motions up to and including use of the NRT...


I'd appreciate it if others can try this and see if you get a different result.







Message Edited by AllenM on 01-04-2010 07:18 PM