Unable to backup contacts from iPhone 6 running iOS9.1. Didn't work on iOS 8 either!

I have not been able to successfully backup 537 contacts from my iPhone 6 EVER. I installed the app a few months ago when I was still using iOS8 and tried several time to no avail. The little wheel keeps spinning and the "backup is in progress" message appears on the screen, but that's it - it never finishes & the "no backup data available" message is what I see on the Norton Mobile Security page when I log in. I have since updated my phone to iOS 9 and am now running iOS9.1 and still no backup. Interestingly, when I "located" my iPhone using the website,  it showed as being located at an address several blocks from my home, even though it was sitting right beside me and has NEVER been at the address that was shown, except perhaps while driving in the vicinity of that address while going to/from my home. Providing inaccurate information about a device's location is NOT helpful at all.

I have been a Symantec/Norton user for many years and while Norton works well on our PCs, what they provide for Apple branded mobile devices is rather useless given that Apple's "Find my iPhone" and iCloud backup are native to the devices and free. It would seem that Norton's very limited offerings for iDevices don't serve any useful purpose at all. I'll withhold my less than positive comments on using Norton Security on my MacBook Pro except to say that my "premium" subscription has been somewhat problematic and anything BUT premium. I will definitely rethink my choice in security software when my subscription expires in 115 days! 

I'm providing the following information only to help with a possible solution: I was able to back up the contacts on my iPad Air 2 successfully a little more than a month ago, while on iOS8 but am now experiencing the same frustrating problem with the iPad. It has been updated to iOS9.1 as well. But, unlike the iPhone, when "locating" the iPad from the NMS page, the iPad's actual location is correctly shown.

My apologies for the lengthy post; now that I've vented, any suggestions on how to resolve these issues would be most appreciated.