Unable to Change Password in Norton Account Manager

Hi, all.


I signed in to Norton Account Manager (see link below) and attempted to change my password but I kept getting some error message.  I tried to do this last night and tonight and in both Firefox and Chrome--failed every time.


By the way, I seem to remember that before, maybe no more than a year ago, Norton Account Manager used to ask you for a security answer in case you forgot your login info.  I can't seem to find the place to change that.  Does anyone know what happened to that?



What error message were you seeing when you tried to change the password?


See if you still have trouble if you try changing the password at the Norton Account page.  https://account.norton.com




Thanks, peterweb.  The link you provided did the trick.


The screen shot below displays the error that I encountered when I tried to change the password via the other account manager (see link in my earlier post).  And no, refreshing the page as the instructions stated didn't help.  Since I encountered this same error for three consecutive days, I'm assuming it's not due to some temporary glitch.



Change Password.jpg

Hmm...just noticed they replaced the image I posted earlier of the error with that of a yellow triangle.  I guess they did that for security reasons?

Glad you got things working.


The yellow triangle is just a placeholder for your image until a moderator approves the image.


Now I see the error message, it looks like it may have just been a temporary issue with the web page for Norton Management. It may have worked for you had you gone back the next day.




Hi Inare,


Are you talking about changing your password in Norton Management or Norton Account??


BTW, I do not believe that Safari is a supported browser also which version of Firefox have you tried to use?

Not sure if the desktop version of Safari is the same, but I am able to change my password from   https://account.norton.com/amsweb  from my iPad using that version of Safari.


Just click on the Profile tab at the top and then on Change password.




I am trying to change the password in Norton Account as advised by Norton. Understanding that Safari may not handle the site properly I have tried via Firefox (v.28). After upwards of 20 years using Windows (currently Win 7) and getting more and more frustrated I am now converting to Mac OSx ( on my iPad, iPhone and MacBook Pro); vastly superior product and I much prefer Safari despite its limitations vis-a-vis Flash implementation and some web site UIs including this. I suppose I don't really need Norton either!!

Hi, Ianare. You can click on I forgot my password, which will give you the opportunity to change your password.


I wouldn't be too quick to dump Norton. There is plenty of evidence to show that Apple products are not immune to attack.