Unable to create Recovery Point Set

It all started when my NAS server went down. I lost all the backups. It was unrepairable so I bought a new one. When I went to create a set of backups for the new server all my backup jobs in Norton Ghost had disappeared. Though it still thought my dead NAS server had backup jobs even though they were unavailable. I tried to create a new backup job, but was unable to create a Recovery Point Set because the drive was already assiged to an existing Recovery Point Set.

There were no backup jobs reported by Ghost, Yet Ghost maintained that the drive I was backing up had a previously defined Recovery Point Set, so I was unable to define a new one.


I then uninstalled Ghost, removing the data and user files, and running Crap Cleaner on the Registry until there where no more issues. One run is not enough.


I then rebooted as required and reinstalled Ghost. BUT I am still getting the same error message and I am still unable to create a Recovery Point Set.

