I have been trying to download the latest Audigy Support Pack Version 4.0 for the past several weeks. The file is autodeleted after download by Download Insight.
I have submitted a report regarding this problem using the Symantec Insight Dispute Submission form - and have received a return email from the false-positives team indicating they have examined my report and determined the file is safe and that File Insight should permit the download.
I received the go-ahead email on Feb 27, 2012. As advised, I brought my NIS completely up to date and attempted to redownload the file. Rejected again.
I thought that propagation delay in Live Update might be responsible for the item not yet getting whitelisted on my machine. As a result, I waited and tried again a few days later. Still no go. I tried again just before posting this message. It has been over a week, and I am still unable to download the file without it being autodeleted.
Has this been attended to?
Thanks for any information on the subject.
Note: Following is the clipboard data from the File Insight entry for the removed item.
----------------------------------------------begin clipboard data----------------------------------------------
d:\internet\download\sound cards\creative\audigy2\daniel_k support packs\4.0\audigy_supportpack_4_0.exe
On computer as of
2/8/2012 at 12:11:46 PM
Last Used:
3/7/2012 at 2:16:43 AM
Startup Item: No
Launched: No
Very Few Users
Fewer than 10 users in the Norton Community have used this file.
This file risk is medium.
Threat Details
There are many indications that this file is untrustworthy and therefore not safe
Downloaded from http://s749.hotfile.com/get/e8b3ff5718d1e923ee70c4f7aa964f5b7eebeae6/4f57347b/320/dc64fa314c26d547/870202b/Audigy_SupportPack_4_0.exe
Downloaded File:
File Actions
File: d:\internet\download\sound cards\creative\audigy2\daniel_k support packs\4.0\audigy_supportpack_4_0.exe
File Thumbprint:
-----------------------------------------------end clipboard data-----------------------------------------------