I use IDSafe on my laptop everyday. I have never had an issue with it. Everytime I try to login to IDSafe on my ipad, I get an error message saying the my username and password are incorrect. I've tried to delete and then reinstall the app and nothing changes. I've tried to find the answer on this thread but I don't see a fix for my issue.
I'm using the online vault. On my laptop it loads via chrome browser and I'm prompted to login. I use it everyday so I'm 100 percent sure of the login info. The app on my iPad has never worked. I just don't know what else to try. Norton support sent me here to the forums.
Can you tell me what version of the App you are using, OS, and Ipad version?
Can you also log into http://identitysafe.norton.com successfully? Can you log in here from your iPad and then try again loggining into your vault on your iPad? The UI for the website isn't great from the iPad, but it will work.
I also want to confirm you used the exact same Norton Account that you used from your PC.
Thank you,
Rhonda Leopold
Program Manager- Identity Safe Mobile Edition
The Norton IDSafe App is version 2.5 on the ipad. It's Norton 360 on my computer updates automatically. I have iOS version 6.1.3, and my ipad is the ipad mini.
I am able to successfully log into http://identitysafe.norton.com. I can log in here from my ipad but when I try to click on the link it takes me to the itunes store for the app. I am trying to log into the app using the exact same login information that I use on the computer and I even have chrome on my ipad as a browser.
I tried to log on from my chrome app with the link you gave me and it took me to the login window but I got the same error message. My username and/or password is incorrect. I then logged in from my computer again and had no issue. Is there some sort of setting I'm missing maybe?
Are you saying you tried to log into http://identitysafe.norton.com with Chrome but it gave you the same error?
can you email me your email address you use for your Norton account? Rhonda_Leopold@symantec.com
Please do not send your password.
Thank you,
Rhonda Leopold
PGM- IDSafe Mobile Edition
I am having the same issue. I just spent an hour on-line and on the phone with tech support with no sucess yet. Was there eve a resolution to this?
By the way, I use the online vault with both Firefox and IE on my PC - no problems. On the iPad I get "Your Norton Account username or password was entered incorrectly"
I use IDSafe on my laptop everyday. I have never had an issue with it. Everytime I try to login to IDSafe on my ipad, I get an error message saying the my username and password are incorrect. I've tried to delete and then reinstall the app and nothing changes. I've tried to find the answer on this thread but I don't see a fix for my issue.
johnbfdma wrote:By the way, I use the online vault with both Firefox and IE on my PC - no problems. On the iPad I get "Your Norton Account username or password was entered incorrectly"
What is your iOS version number for the iPad?
What version of Identity Safe are you using on the iPad? Try swiping from left to right and then click on the ? at the bottom of the page. Then tap on About.
Try tapping on the little box with a right arrow at the top of the main browser page in Identity Safe. Then tap Clear Cache. See if this helps.
Ipad is running iOS 7.0.3 - just upgraded this week.
Identity Safe os 2.5.18 - just downloaded yesterday
johnbfdma wrote:Ipad is running iOS 7.0.3 - just upgraded this week.
Identity Safe os 2.5.18 - just downloaded yesterday
So you did not have the Identity Safe app before this? If you did, was the app working properly before updating to iOS 7.0.3?
Did you try clearing the cache?
Hi Peter,
Let's get him the new update to 3.0 and see if that works.
We are very close to publishing it on iTunes, but we can send a link to the build today.
If we could get a private message with the email address I can forward it.
Identity Safe 2.5.18 - downloaded from itunes yesterday
iOS 7.0.3 - upgraded from iOS 6 earler this week
Have never used Identity Safe on the iPad before.
I tried clearing the cache - No luck
How does a private message work?
There is an option in the upper right hand corner to "send private message"
Or, easier.. just email me at Rhonda_Leopold@symantec.com
IDSafe Mobile Team-- Symantec
RDLeo wrote:Hi Peter,
Let's get him the new update to 3.0 and see if that works.
We are very close to publishing it on iTunes, but we can send a link to the build today.
If we could get a private message with the email address I can forward it.
Thanks for the WE Rhonda. Although we know that was beyond my capability.
Lets hope the new version fixes things. So far I have had no trouble with it.
Problem solved! It turns out that it wasn't a problem with the app, but that I didn't understand that when setting it up for the first time I needed to first enter my Norton password, then my Identity Safe password.
For a long time in the Windows Firefox browser all I needed to enter was my Idenity Safe password, so the idea of having to enter my Norton password first didn't occur to me.
Thanks to Rhonda for working with me to figure this out!
I have deleted the pre-release version and re-istalled the version on iTunes and now that I know what I have to do, it works fine.
Thanks for posting back with the solution.
A new app will always have some kind of learning curve.