Unable to Recover Files - RPAM Failed

I am unable to recover files from recovery poins.    If I:


  • Use the option under Tasks to recover files from  a recovery point, I get message 1 below.
  • Use the option to use Explorer under rasks, I get message 2 below.
  •  Use the option Explore under abck up destination, the application appears to hang and message 2 appears.

Any suggestions?


Message 1: Cannot mount recovery point. ([MyBook]\PCBackup\PGDT-SystemReserverd0-1Drive019-i0006iv2i)


Mesage 2: Cannot mo0jnt recovery point (MyBook/PCBackup/PGDT_system reserved Drive_019 etc


I am unable to recover files from recovery poins.    If I:


  • Use the option under Tasks to recover files from  a recovery point, I get message 1 below.
  • Use the option to use Explorer under rasks, I get message 2 below.
  •  Use the option Explore under abck up destination, the application appears to hang and message 2 appears.

Any suggestions?


Message 1: Cannot mount recovery point. ([MyBook]\PCBackup\PGDT-SystemReserverd0-1Drive019-i0006iv2i)


Mesage 2: Cannot mo0jnt recovery point (MyBook/PCBackup/PGDT_system reserved Drive_019 etc