Unable to register Norton 360 Premier Edition on my PC

As my Norton 360 subscription was about to expire for my Windows 7 PC, I went online on August 31st to renew. Instead of renewing the Norton 360, I opted to upgrade to a 2 year subscription to Norton 360 Premier Edition. I was successfully able to download and install the program on my desktop PC, my laptop and my iPhone.


The problem I am now having is that I keep getting reminder pop-up windows to register Norton 360 Premier Edition for my PC (I have not received any reminders for my laptop or iPhone).


Norton 1.jpg


When I click the Register Now button I first receive this window:


Norton 2.jpg


Which then changes to this:


Norton 3.jpg


My only option is to click cancel which results in this:


Norton 4.jpg


If I click Done and open Norton 360 Premier Edition and click on Account, I keep getting the same 2 previous windows.


I went online to Norton Management to check the status of my account and saw this:


Norton 5.jpg


My laptop and iPhone have successfully been registered, but my PC has not. When I clicked on the PC link, It said my Norton 360 subscrition has expired (even though if I open Norton 360 Premiere Edition on my PC, it shows I have 729 days remaining). I noticed a link to add a new key, so I entered the key for my Norton 360 Premiere Edition and for the last 5 days it has shown this:


Norton 6.jpg


The yellow circle has continually been spinning and says Verifying new key.


I attempted an uninstall and reinstall and the installation was complete (and successful), but I continue to receive the registration pop-up reminders. Can someone suggest a solution?