TO Matt Boucher, or ANY other Management people at Norton Corporation:
We are NOT all paid users, but i am one, and as some other mentioned, the MOST CRITICAL problem with all this is COMMUNICATION.
Nobody was aware of what was happening... if you go around chat, or support, it's mostly useless when a server side issue is happening like this. Therefore, whenever you KNOW there is a problem like a back-end problem, just get a server status query page, so we can consult and see of anything is wrong or not... (just like Google has!!... see it here in action: )
As for whatever else, not letting anyone knows there is a server or back-end service problem will just get things out of control, and thousand of people will get frustrated.
Constructive criticism, just get your communication plan up to par, because right now, it's not even existing.
Quoting someone else, which is the best solution i could wish for, problems are a reality, we can't deny or avoid them, but if you warn your users, over half of the problem goes away... :
When there is anytime that the system is going to be down, or is unavailable due to a problem such as this... It would be MOST HELPFUL if you would post an alert at least on your main web page!! Follow that up with a message to all paid users that there is a problem or outage of some sort.
Seriously you need to understand and provide support to your paid users when there are issues like this. Most of us actually DO understand computers fairly well believe it or not.
In the conversation posted above someone chatted with the user with very little helpful information really and then transferred him to someone else who was able to say what the real issue was. Why not just tell us from the start??? Seriously.