Unauthorized access logged?

Sometimes I look over my Norton history and I almost always see this---


unauthorized access logged open thread ---actor- Windows/system 32/services.exe---- target- program files/norton internet security/engine/




No action recomended


I dont visit any virus sites or download much of anything! I have a desktop hooked up to a wireless router thats hooked up to vonage device thats hooked up to modem! The only thing I use the router for is my ps3! the router is heavily protected with wpa2 keys and all! What could it be and is it anything to be woried about


What service tries to acces to the norton service?


If it is explorer, than it is fully normal. Sometimes windows "asks" something from norton, and the norton product tamper protection reacts this way....

The actor is listed as: windows\system32\services\exe


and a target : programfiles\norton internet security\engine\\ccsvchst.exe


If it's just a normal operation of Windows why does Norton see is as an access therat data and marks with a medium severity?

Please read the solution from the following thread:
