Im using Norton internet secruity 2011
The first time I used the AOL program, it had allowed the program to be unblocked. However, I cant sign in whenever I try to. I try to use a lot of the settings but I cant do it...
Im using Norton internet secruity 2011
The first time I used the AOL program, it had allowed the program to be unblocked. However, I cant sign in whenever I try to. I try to use a lot of the settings but I cant do it...
You may want to do a forum search here on AOL since you are not the first person to report having problems in accessing it.
Part of the problem may be if your are using its software since it is customized and they are not very good at fixing things in it -- I use NIS 2011 and have no problems logging into using my AOL IM log in and Internet Explorer and I'm in Compuserve all the time since I sysop there.
Window 7 ultimate (64bit)
NIS 2011 version (
This is the picture where it blocks the AOL...
Thanks Yelly,
I'm nt a networking/firewall person but I'm sure that information will help someone help you on this. Keep an eye open here but be patient because of the holidays ....
Hi Yelly1992,
The event you posted is a Norton Product Tamper protection event, not a firewall event. Do you see any entries when you select Firewall Activities from the drop down list in History?
Have you tried temporarily disabling the NIS firewall as I mentioned earlier? Do you have this problem with the firewall disabled?
If you do not have this problem when the NIS firewall is disabled, try going to Settings > Network Settings > Smart Firewall > Program Control and click the Configure button to the right of this.
Search through the list of programs and find the one for AOL. What is this currently set to? Normally these programs are set to Auto by NIS where NIS will then control whether the programs should have access. This works good for most programs but sometimes it can cause problems.
Set the AOL program to ALLOW and then OK your way out of the settings windows.
Do you still have the problem with firewall turned ON?
Hope this helps.
Best wishes.
I had tried everything I could. Disabling the smart firewall didn't work and allowing the programs. I had even modified the program so it could go in and out. I can only play it when it has been reinstalled for the first time. Dp you have any soloutions on solving this?
Hi Yelly1992,
Are you using the AOL browser? There have been several reports of problems with this.
If disabling the NIS firewall does not allow it to work then it is not the firewall which is blocking it.
Double check that the Windows firewall is OFF in all 3 categories: domain, private and public. You can get to the Windows firewall by typing in "windows firewall" in the start menu search box. I found an instance on one of my 3 computers where the public profile in windows firewall was on.
If you are using the AOL browser, what happens if you use IE?
You might find the following threads of interest:
The NIS event you posted an image to earlier is not related to blocking AOL from going online, it is a Norton Tamper Protection event which prevents programs from accessing Norton files
There might be some other compatibility issue between AOL browser and NIS but that's just a guess on my part since I have not seen any posts that clearly shows evidence of this.
You could try just temporariliy turning OFF Browser Protection from the main NIS user interface.
Best wishes.
None of the solutions still dont work. I cant do anything about it but just to uninstall everytime I go on the computer and restart it. Its really annoying since I want to play a game on AOL. The AOL tries to go into c:/program files(x86)/Norton Utilities 14/RMTray.exe
Im using Norton internet secruity 2011
The first time I used the AOL program, it had allowed the program to be unblocked. However, I cant sign in whenever I try to. I try to use a lot of the settings but I cant do it...
Yelly1992 wrote:None of the solutions still dont work. I cant do anything about it but just to uninstall everytime I go on the computer and restart it. Its really annoying since I want to play a game on AOL. The AOL tries to go into c:/program files(x86)/Norton Utilities 14/RMTray.exe
Hi Yelly1992,
AOL should have absolutely no need to go into a Norton Utilities folder. I would suggest that you check with AOL and ask them why their software is attempting to access a directory that it should not need to do.
Also, this Norton Tamper Protection event which prevents AOL from accessing key Norton files shouldn't have anything to do with signing into AOL.
Do you have this problem with IE?
As a test, you can turn OFF Norton Product Tamper Protection in NIS Misc. Settings and see if this makes any difference.
Even if this does resolve the problem though you really should check with AOL and find out why they are doing this.
It is not suggested to leave Tamper Protection disabled.
Please let us know how it goes.
Best wishes.
Hi Yelly1992,
This is probably not a Norton issue, judging from the limited information you have provided so far. Try the troubleshooting steps provided by AOL in the following link too see if your problem can be resolved:
<< . Its really annoying since I want to play a game on AOL >>
If you care to give the location/URL of that game I'll be happy to try going in by route ....
I just need it so I can change the IP and play the games Im restricted on (America) ¬.¬.
Btw, Im playing Vindictus online game but you need to download it...
Hugh, your a genius. I found why I couldn't do it. I had to first use the Broadband network then use my other network so I could use it.
Btw, Sorry for double posting lol
Don't credit me for that solution -- it was SoJ who posted the link to AOL troubleshooting in his message: