Undetected Virus

My computer began responding differently and programs began to disdppear. I am running Symantec Endpoint with real time protection. It did not recognize the threat. I am now having to use a boot disk, which I created from Windows Defender Offline. I ran Windows Defender Offline, and it found DOS/Alureon.E, FakeSysdef, and Alureon.FE.

Why was Symantec Endpoint unable to protect against these viruses? Thoughts?



with the Symantec Endpoint prodcut we can not help you here as on this forum we can help you to solve problems only with the consumer products. To get proper help for Symantec Endpoint Protection please go here: http://www.symantec.com/connect/security/forums/endpoint-protection-antivirus

 DOS/Alureon.E    = Max++  or MaxSS i think

FakeSysdef,          = a Fake AV family

Alureon.FE            = Max++  or MaxSS

