I have a computer that is being replaced. The computer is dead and I am unable to uninstall Norton from that computer. Now, I purchased a new one and want to install Norton in the new one. How do I go about this since I am unable to uninstall from the old computer?
I have Norton Intenet SEcurity, version The computer I want to install Norton on is a 64 bit. I have a 3PC version of the product. I just renewed the subscription so it has more than 300 days left. I downloaded the original from Norton and I am on automatic renewal.
My problem is that I cannot re-boot the old computer anymore so I cannot uninstall it from that computer. The other license that I installed in another computer is also not active as we decided to run Avast on it after the cmputer also died and everything got wiped out.
There should be no problems that can't easily be solved.
You can download the current version of Norton Internet Security 2011 from here:
Click on this link -- NIS 2011This will download a single file of around 90MB which you should save on your hard drive where you can use it again if necessary -- Do not select Run but use Save when asked and remember where you put it!
Note that just at the moment you will almost certainly download and not the 18.5 which is not generally available yet but will become available via Live Update before long I imagine since it will be trickle fed out and not sent to all users at once.
I imagine you will do this on your new computer, or you can do it on any other and then copy the file over onto a thumbdrive or a CD.
When you are ready to install it on the new PC just locate the file you downloaded and what I do is Right Mouse Click on the downloaded exe file and select Run as Administrator from the list -- this does it with extra privileges which I think is desirable.
After it is installed you can activate it with the KEY you have -- do you have a copy of that? When you bought from Norton it should have come in an email. If not can you access your MyNortonAccount and get it from that? Click on the product name when that opens and it should give the KEY there.
If you get a message that all activations have been used, or in order just to release the one you will no longer be using you can simply contact Customer Support and they have the tools to sort this out. Just tell them what you have done and that you can't access the old PC to delete the Norton there.
Once it's installed run LiveUpdate a few times with a reboot between and that will update the definitins etc and may update you to 18.5 .... if it does not update to 18.5 jusst be patient and keep an eye open here for announcements.
You can choose CHAT or Email; phone may have a long wait time and feedback from users tells us that CHAT is by far the best at resolving problems.
Note that that link is to the USA/CAN website so if you are located elsewhere I'm sure you will be able to find the equivalent location on your local Symantec website; some pages have a link at the top right where you can select the country you are located in.
I have a computer that is being replaced. The computer is dead and I am unable to uninstall Norton from that computer. Now, I purchased a new one and want to install Norton in the new one. How do I go about this since I am unable to uninstall from the old computer?