I need to rebuild my computer. I have norton Internet Security with 3 licenses and all 3 are in use, including one on this computer I need to rebuild.
My plan is to uninstall NIS from this computer to free up one of the licenses so that when I rebuild and install NIS on this computer again, I will not be exceeding my licenses.
I uninstalled NIS on this computer and looked up my account on mynortonaccount.com. The uninstall did NOT free up a license. My account shows "Protection for 3 computers" and ZERO remaining activations. Thinking the Norton databases hadn't updated yet, I waited at least 30 minutes, signed back into my account, but still have ZERO remaining activations.
Shouldn't the uninstall have freed up a license and shouldn't my norton account have one remaining activation after having uninstalled from one of my computers?