I see that there is a newer flash player 11.8 and an uninstaller for flash player 11.7.700.224.
The flash player I still have is the version BEFORE 11.7.700.224
So how do I find that uninstaller?
Hi Calls,
The Uninstaller on this page will work for you - http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/uninstall-flash-player-windows.html
Isn’t this the current uninstaller?
Sorry I’m on my phone checking the forums
So the current uninstaller will work to remove a flash player two versions back?
As far as I'm aware there isn't a specific uninstaller for each version of Flsah Player, just as the Norton Removal Tool works on many versions of NIS.
First of you do not need uninstall the older version. The older version will automatically get updated/replaced/upgraded when install the new version from the Adobe site over and above the installed old version, be it whatever older version installed. I upgraded to the newest version today in a laptop which was switched off for 3-4 months.
By the way, why you want to uninstall the older version first before installing the newest version!!!??? Are you facing some problem upgrading the same!!!???
Well actually, when I have tried just installing the new onevivervthe old one, the installation process hangs. So to avoid all that hassle, I just uninstall the old and do a fresh installation if the new one
Hi Calls,
I can understand the want for a fresh install. Let me ask you this, have you ever tried installing Flash in Safe Mode with Networking? When I have done that, it seems to be a seamless process even though I am installing on top of the previous.
It seems when I try to use safe mode, I have a heck of a time returning to normal mode. I have vista : (
So I tend not to use safe mode
Did you run the uninstaller offered by Krusty13
Download the uninstaller for Flash Player
The Flash Player uninstaller executes on both 64-bit and 32-bit version of the Windows operating systems.
- uninstaller (797 KB)
Save the file in a location where you can find it easily after you restart your computer. For example, save it on your Windows desktop.
Exit all browsers and other programs that use FlashThe uninstaller does not work if any programs that use Flash are running on your computer.
Save the current Flash Player ver download to your desktop and run as admin & be patient.
I've installed the last few Flash Player version updates wo the uninstaller.
The installer may hang for a minute as it works.
Can't remember when I last used the uninstaller ....
Flash Player has improved their installer even for a silent update.
If your still having hiccups....after you save Flash apps to your desktop. Perform a soft restart.
Then run uninstaller or installer. Default installer update option is automatic.
watch out for McAfee scanner
Thanks all. I haven’t installed the newest flash player yet. At the rate they are going, I wouldn’t be surprised that another one comes out this week.
But krusty answered my op
Thanks all